Sunday School


Adult Sunday School Class

This class meets in the church fellowship hall following morning worship (usually around 11:15 a.m.). Come join us for a lively discussion and fresh brewed coffee. 

We are currently studying the Old Testament book of Malachi which is the last work in the Minor Prophets. Here, God closes the OT canon historically and prophetically. Malachi means "my messenger." 

We have received the following applications from Pastor Jared regarding Malachi:

1."I will never leave you nor forsake you." God loves us, His children. The world around us may fall to pieces. Everyone we know may turn against us, but just like a good parent would never reject his child, God will never cast us aside. If you need a rock-solid truth to hang onto in the middle of trials, comfort yourself with this: God loves you with everlasting love. 

2. Next time you begin to doubt God's goodness, ask yourself this question, "how has He loved me?" Do not ask this question rhetorically. Instead, challenge yourself to list out the ways you have experienced the love of God. Write these things down. Soon you will discover that God does indeed love you and shows it consistently. 

3. God holds us responsible for our choices. We cannot reject salvation and then blame God for saving others and not us. Take for example, a person drowning. A boater comes along and tosses this person a life preserver but the drowning person doesn't believe he needs it and in the midst of rejecting the means of escape, he drowns. Is that the fault of the boat captain? It is not! In like manner, we have the responsibility to come to Jesus and repent of our sins. If you have not done so before then today is the day for salvation! Come to Jesus and place your faith in him.